Working with Source Code

SOLP lets you create powerful analyses for Solidity source code. This is enough for some tools; however, others need to edit the source text or insert the results of the analysis in the code.

This document will lead you through building a tool that inserts comments above functions with analysis insights from an AI depending on the user’s criteria.

General Strategy

One important thing that has to be reiterated is that AST2 can contain nodes that weren’t in the original source code. Check out the Two ASTs? document for why this is.

This means you have to go through the AST1 nodes, as they are guaranteed to be from the source text, and use the tagged source location info for modifications. You can still use AST2 for analyses, but you have to use AST1 nodes to write the output.


An overview of the strategy.


Create the basic SOLP client setup to read the source files. We have to set up the virtual file system using the project as a whole, but we only want to modify the user-specified files.

from pathlib import Path
from dataclasses import dataclass

import re

from solidity_parser import filesys
from solidity_parser.ast import symtab, ast2builder, solnodes, solnodes2

# this is user input
files_to_annotate = ['TheContract.sol']
project_dir = Path('./gptcomments')

# setup VFS
vfs = filesys.VirtualFileSystem(project_dir, None, [])
sym_builder = symtab.Builder2(vfs)

This tutorial uses sample code as an example (generated by ChatGPT). The file is too large to list here, but check it out from the examples/gptcomments directory (named TheContract.sol).



This Solidity project doesn’t have a source or contracts folder, so we don’t pass anything in for include_paths. The contracts get loaded from the base_path instead.

Comment Formatting

We will need these formatting helpers later on. They are not specific to SOLP but make the output nicer:

INDENT_REG = re.compile(r'[ \t]+$')

def get_trailing_whitespace(s) -> str:
    match =
    if match:
        return ""

LINE_REG = re.compile("\r?\n")

def indent_by(s, indentation) -> str:
    return ("\n" + indentation).join(LINE_REG.split(s))

These will be used alongside this Insertion dataclass to mark which comments will go where:

class Insertion:
    func: solnodes.FunctionDefinition
    comment: str

Annotation Skeleton

Now we just need to create a function that loads each file, finds the functions to annotate, and annotates them. We will fill in the details as we go along:

 1def should_annotate_part(part: solnodes.ContractPart):
 2    return True
 4def annotate_func(func_src: str, func: solnodes.FunctionDefinition):
 5    return f'This is a test comment for: {}'
 7def annotate_file(file_name):
 8    file_sym_info = sym_builder.process_or_find_from_base_dir(file_name)
10    loaded_src = vfs.sources[file_name]
11    ast1_nodes, src_code = loaded_src.ast, loaded_src.contents
13    for node in ast1_nodes:
14        if not node:
15            continue
17        for func in node.get_all_children(lambda x: isinstance(x, solnodes.FunctionDefinition)):
18            if should_annotate_part(func):
19                func_code = src_code[func.start_buffer_index:func.end_buffer_index]
20                comment_contents = annotate_func(func_code, func)
21                print(comment_contents)

Working With Source Buffers

The annotate_func function is where we would put the call to an AI service (or static analysis) that takes the source code of the function only and provides a summary.

Also, func_src is extracted from the source text buffer using the start and end character indexes for the function we’re currently annotating.

IDE Line Data

However, we can also get the corrected line and column information for the start and end of the node if we need to provide these insights to an IDE language extension, for example.

Modifying the Source Text

Instead of printing the comment_contents on line 21, create an Insertion object and store it in a list.

insertions = [] # line 12
insertions.append(Insertion(func, comment_contents)) # line 21

Text Insertions

Now create a function to do the text insertions and return the updated source code.

 1def modify_text(src_code, insertions):
 2    reverse_sorted_insertions = sorted(insertions, key=lambda x: (-x.func.start_location.line, x.func.start_location.column))
 3    current_source_code = src_code
 5    for ins in reverse_sorted_insertions:
 6        func_text_offset = ins.func.start_buffer_index
 7        left, right = (current_source_code[0:func_text_offset], current_source_code[func_text_offset:])
 9        # for formatting the comments nicely
10        whitespace = get_trailing_whitespace(left)
11        formatted_comment = indent_by(f'// {ins.comment}', whitespace)
12        current_source_code = left + formatted_comment + '\n' + whitespace + right
14    return current_source_code

This code might look intimidating, but we’ll go through it step by step:

  • Line 1 simply reverse sorts the insertions based on the order of the functions in the original source code. If we did a top-down insertion instead, every insertion would mess up the insertion location of the subsequent ones.

  • Lines 6–7 simply create a split in the text for us to put the function-summary comment. Since we’re inserting comments before each function, we use the start_buffer_indexleft then becomes all of the code in the file up to the function keyword and right is everything that comes after. When we insert our comment after left but before right, it puts our comment right above the function.

  • Lines 10–11 put the comments on the same indentation level as the function to make it easier to read.

  • Line 12 simply joins up all the parts and whitespace required, creating a complete source file’s worth of code.

  • Repeat this for all insertions, and we get fully commented code.

Putting It All Together

Now we just call modify_text from the end of annotate_file,

print(modify_text(src_code, insertions))

and call annotate_file with each of our inputs:

for f in files_to_annotate:

And the basic text transformer is done!

Extending It Further

There were a few features outside of the scope of this tutorial that would take this project to the next level. Try the following ideas to get more familiar with the project and SOLP:

  • Connect to a local or online text AI that can take the func_code and return a summary.

  • Take user inputs for which functions to annotate and filter using should_annotate_part (e.g., only annotate public functions using modifiers checks).

  • Generate AST2 for the program, and for each AST1 function, use the AST2 node to get more refined insights.