



extract_version_from_src_input(→ Version)

Extracts the solidity version from the input source code

parse_version(→ Version)

Parses a solidity version string into a Version object

Module Contents

class solidity_parser.util.version_util.Version
major: int
minor: int
patch: int
is_enforced_in(testing_version: Version) bool

Tests whether a feature that was introduced in the given testing_version is enforced in the current version E.g. if a feature is only available in or after version 8.0.1 but the current version is 7.0.0, that feature

should not be enforced and this function returns False


Return str(self).

solidity_parser.util.version_util.extract_version_from_src_input(txt: str) Version

Extracts the solidity version from the input source code :param txt: the entire source file

solidity_parser.util.version_util.parse_version(ver_text: str) Version

Parses a solidity version string into a Version object :param ver_text: the version string only, e.g. “0.6.12”