solidity_parser.filesys ======================= .. py:module:: solidity_parser.filesys Attributes ---------- .. autoapisummary:: solidity_parser.filesys.ImportMapping Classes ------- .. autoapisummary:: solidity_parser.filesys.Source solidity_parser.filesys.StandardJsonInput solidity_parser.filesys.LoadedSource solidity_parser.filesys.VirtualFileSystem Module Contents --------------- .. py:class:: Source Structure of a source unit defined in the standard JSON input .. py:attribute:: urls :type: Optional[List[str]] .. py:attribute:: content :type: str .. py:class:: StandardJsonInput Solidity standard JSON input see: .. py:attribute:: sources :type: Dict[str, Source] .. py:class:: LoadedSource Source unit loaded inside the virtual filesystem .. py:attribute:: source_unit_name :type: str The computed source unit name, see the solidity docs for how this is computed .. py:attribute:: contents :type: str Source code .. py:attribute:: origin :type: Optional[pathlib.Path] Path to the source unit on disk, if it was loaded from disk .. py:attribute:: ast_creator_callback :type: Optional[Callable[[str], List[solidity_parser.ast.solnodes.SourceUnit]]] Optional function for changing the AST creation method, e.g. for testing and forcing the parser version .. py:property:: ast :type: List[solidity_parser.ast.solnodes.SourceUnit] Property for getting the AST from the source code lazily .. py:data:: ImportMapping An import remapping for changing the source unit name before the import is resolved .. py:class:: VirtualFileSystem(base_path: str | pathlib.Path, cwd: str | pathlib.Path = None, include_paths: List[str | pathlib.Path] = None, compiler_version: solidity_parser.util.version_util.Version = None) This is the "virtual file system" defined in the Solidity docs and implemented in solc. The idea is to abstract away the specifics of how the sources are stored, such as on disk or in memory and the paths used in the source files to resolve imports. The code is not ideal but it emulates the behaviour of the c++ code of solc. .. py:attribute:: cwd .. py:property:: base_path .. py:property:: include_paths .. py:attribute:: import_remaps :type: List[ImportMapping] :value: [] .. py:attribute:: sources :type: Dict[str, LoadedSource] .. py:attribute:: origin_sources :type: Dict[str, LoadedSource] .. py:attribute:: compiler_version .. py:method:: process_cli_input_file(file_path) .. py:method:: process_standard_json(path: str) .. py:method:: parse_import_remappings(remappings_file_path) .. py:method:: add_import_remapping(context, prefix, target) .. py:method:: lookup_import_path(import_path: str, importer_source_unit_name: str = None) -> LoadedSource .. py:method:: _add_loaded_source(source_unit_name: str, source_code: str, creator=None, origin=None) -> LoadedSource .. py:method:: _read_file(path: str, is_cli_path=True) -> str .. py:method:: _do_read_path(path: pathlib.Path) -> str .. py:method:: _cli_path_to_source_name(input_file_path) -> str Computes the source name for a source file supplied via command line invocation of solc .. py:method:: _norm_vfs_path(path: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) -> str Path normalisation according to solidity lang docs .. py:method:: _read_file_callback(su_name: str, base_dir: str, include_paths: List[str]) -> Tuple[str, str] .. py:method:: _remap_import(source_unit_name: str, importer_source_unit_name: str) -> list[str] Takes a source unit name and checks if it should be remapped Note: do not pass an import path as the source unit name .. py:method:: _compute_possible_source_unit_names(path: str, importer_source_unit_name: str) -> list[str] Computes a list of possible source unit names for an import path. Usually there is only 1, but if there are multiple matching import remappings, we have to test each one later on when the file lookup happens .. py:method:: _path_to_generic_string(path: Union[pathlib.Path, str]) -> str :staticmethod: .. py:method:: _clean_path(*parts: List[str]) -> str :staticmethod: .. py:method:: _strip_prefix(prefix, path) -> Optional[pathlib.Path] :staticmethod: .. py:method:: _remove_last_path_segment(path: str) -> str :staticmethod: .. py:method:: _is_relative_import(path: str) -> bool :staticmethod: