solidity_parser.ast.mro_helper ============================== .. py:module:: solidity_parser.ast.mro_helper Attributes ---------- .. autoapisummary:: solidity_parser.ast.mro_helper.T Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: solidity_parser.ast.mro_helper._merge solidity_parser.ast.mro_helper.c3_linearise Module Contents --------------- .. py:function:: _merge(*sequences) .. py:data:: T .. py:function:: c3_linearise(klass: T, get_supers: Callable[[T], list[T]] = None) -> list[T] A function to linearise the class hierarchy using the C3 linearisation algorithm. :param klass: The class to linearise. :param get_supers: A function to get the superclasses of a given class, must return a list of classes with the same type as the input :return: A linearised list of classes following the C3 algorithm.